4.01 1.383 P -value 0.0068 0.00538 0.00675 0.00772 0.00708 0.00775 0.00979 0.00575 0.00232 0.00482 0.00268 0.00226 0.00131 0.00867 0.00452 0.00307 0.00434 0.00753 0.00712 0.00577 0.00265 0.00429 0.00759 0.00053 0.0002 0.0041 0.00886 0.00362 0.00338 0.00683 0.00582 0.00924 0.0088 0.009 0.00376 0.00159 0.00132 0.00216 0.00918 0.0031 0.00137 0.00844 0.00078 * sept2 protein * Novel protein prickle-like household Perforin 1 (pore forming

four.01 1.383 P -value 0.0068 0.00538 0.00675 0.00772 0.00708 0.00775 0.00979 0.00575 0.00232 0.00482 0.00268 0.00226 0.00131 0.00867 0.00452 0.00307 0.00434 0.00753 0.00712 0.00577 0.00265 0.00429 0.00759 0.00053 0.0002 0.0041 0.00886 0.00362 0.00338 0.00683 0.00582 0.00924 0.0088 0.009 0.00376 0.00159 0.00132 0.00216 0.00918 0.0031 0.00137 0.00844 0.00078 * sept2 protein * Novel protein prickle-like family Perforin 1 (pore forming protein) Perforin 1 (pore forming protein) * * titin a Unnamed protein product [Tetraodon nigroviridis] Proline wealthy 5 cd22 antigen sec14-like 1 (cerevisiae) * ** Brain precise kinase 146 Brain precise kinase 146 loc100037090 protein loc100037090 protein protein phosphatase regulatory subunit ten Protein phosphatase Regulatory subunit 10 * c-type natriuretic peptide 1 precursor c-type natriuretic peptide 1 precursor c-type natriuretic peptide 1 precursor Sig GeneID Compact heat shock Little heat shockRobinson et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:541 http://www.biomedcentral/1471-2164/15/Page six ofTable 4 Suggestive and significant QTL for trait hours of survival immediately after challenge using a. hydrophila detected making use of PLINK (QFAM) and GenAbel (FASTA and GRAMMA) analyses in 21 L. rohita families (Continued)15 15 15 15 15 15 16 26.7 26.7 28.9 28.9 28.9 54.4 23.eight 110434_333 110434_333 54100_91 60130_224 60130_224 94824_55 115737_104 FASTA GRAMMA FASTA FASTA GRAMMA QFAM QFAM 979 979 979 978 978 1022 1020 -1.93(0.75) -1.18 (0.56) 2.06(0.68) -1.95(0.66) -0.99 (0.46) six.72 4.39 9.11 eight.7 4.71 -1.559 -1.206 0.00956 0.00584 0.00255 0.00318 0.00429 0.00057 0.0094 * Adaptor-related protein complicated mu 1 subunit mucin-5b precursor (mucin 5 subtype tracheobronchial) (high molecular weight salivary mucin mg1) (sublingual gland mucin) sp2 transcription factor t cell antigen receptor alpha chain c area t cell antigen receptor alpha chain c area cerebellin 1 precursor16 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 2339.two eight.4 48.9 49.9 49.9 49.9 49.9 23.8 23.eight 0.8 3.three three.3 three.three 7.9 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.four 11.1 20.3 21.six 47.1 51.1 51.1 6 6 six.four six.4 22.three 23.Cariporide Technical Information two 23.2 0 0 0.9 0.136477_76 60684_109 52766_1600 116665_768 116665_768 13427_160 13427_160 111569_63 111569_63 54931_324 134730_80 134730_80 134730_80 88771_72 103839_124 103839_124 110140_1196 110140_1196 59816_21 134434_222 20086_69 111636_59 54579_132 54579_132 88524_52 88524_52 94914_114 94914_114 58881_141 554_399 554_399 93296_256 93296_256 110253_351 110253_QFAM GRAMMA FASTA FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA QFAM FASTA FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA QFAM FASTA QFAM QFAM FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA QFAM FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA FASTA GRAMMA1022 978 979 979 979 979 979 979 979 979 970 970 1013 954 970 970 979 979 1022 978 1022 1022 979 979 979 979 979 979 1022 979 979 978 978 979 979 -1.Fosmanogepix In Vitro 89(0.PMID:25023702 72) -0.98 (0.5) 3.71(0.95) 2.28 (0.72) 2.35(0.77) 1.27 (0.55) 1.63(0.55) 1.04 (0.43) 1.55(0.57) 0.97 (0.44) two.07(0.68) 0.86 (0.42) -2.03(0.76) -1.53(0.58) two.22(0.81) 1.07 (0.54) 1.6(0.six) 0.82 (0.42) -0.89 (0.45) -1.eight(0.69) 1.95(0.63) 1.14 (0.46) 2.06(0.67) 1.13 (0.48) 2.49(0.77) 1.35 (0.55) 1.16 (0.59) -2.64(0.69) -0.99 (0.41)two.121 3.88 6.81 9.62 6.04 9.48 five.58 10.44 six.07 3.86 14.81 5.89 -2.504 six.89 7.54 three.86 7.06 three.9 -1.607 7.09 1.556 1.417 eight.68 five.95 7.31 4.9 9.two four.09 -1.781 6.94 three.86 15.3 ten.11 9.27 5.0.00687 0.00958 0.00909 0.00193 0.00122 0.00208 0.00188 0.00123 0.00119 0.0097 0.00012 0.00141 0.0047 0.00866 0.00603 0.00974 0.007.